What is Miracle Court™?
The Miracle Court App™ is a virtual courthouse where you can put anyone on trial for anything they've ever done to you or someone you love. It's based on breakthrough research in behavioral science, neuroscience, and natural and therapeutic jurisprudence evolved from the world's great wisdom traditions.
Researchers and experts have found that the lasting psychological hurt experienced by victims of mistreatment, injustice, crime, and trauma is not from the event itself but from unfulfilled important needs for justice, recognition and validation, and understanding and control. Traditional courts are not always effective at meeting these needs and can handle only a small fraction of the victimization that people experience in their lives. The Miracle Court App™ changes this, helping satisfy these needs and empowering victims to overcome destructive and addictive revenge cravings, restore their peace and happiness, and "move on" from the pain of the past.
What types of cases can be brought in Miracle Court™?
Miracle Court hears and resolves all types of cases involving wrongs of the past. Examples include trauma; physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; violence; interpersonal disputes; broken relationships; bullying and taunting; humiliation, betrayal, and disrespect; accidents, personal injury, and medical malpractice; illness and addiction; arrest and incarceration; workplace discipline and job loss; property crimes and damage; infringement of civil rights; secular or religious immorality; political and other types of grievances; natural disasters and acts of God; and commercial/contract disputes.
Who can be sued in Miracle Court™?
Anyone or anything you view as a perpetrator of harm, wrongdoing, mistreatment, or injustice can be put on trial in Miracle Court, including individuals, groups, business organizations, government entities, and even God. You may also put yourself on trial in situations in in which you see yourself as a wrongdoer or in cases involving shame, self-judgment, or self-loathing.
Who can bring a case in Miracle Court™?
Any person who has been wronged, mistreated, or victimized may submit a case to Miracle Court.
How are Miracle Court™ trials conducted?
Miracle Court trials are conducted by installing the free, web-based Miracle Court App on your mobile device. In the app, Quaker attorney, author, and psychiatry lecturer James Kimmel, Jr. personally leads you through the trial of the person who harmed you to help you win your case and restore your peace and happiness. It's a powerful, immersive experience that holds the potential to transform your life. To install the app on your mobile device, click here.
How does Miracle Court™ differ from traditional courts?
Unlike traditional courts, no lawyers are necessary or permitted in Miracle Court. In Miracle Court, you play all the roles during the trial, including victim, prosecutor, defendant, judge, warden, and judge of your own life. No other court system gives you such complete control over all aspects of your case and its outcome.
Miracle Court takes place entirely but very vividly and realistically within the mind of the person who initiates the case. The human mind is the most powerful virtual reality device in the world, able to conjure persons, places, events, memories, emotions, and entire courtroom settings with amazing speed and authenticity. By tapping into this power, Miracle Court can produce genuine litigation experiences. You control all aspects of the courtroom, including who's there, who's not, and exactly how the case unfolds.
In traditional courts, victims are mostly passive observers of what often feels like a staged play performed by actors (the lawyers and judges). In Miracle Court, victims become fully engaged participants in their own cases.
What can I expect during a Miracle Court™ trial?
There are five steps to a Miracle Court trial:
The Prosecution
The Defense
The Verdict and Sentence
The Punishment
The Final Judgment
During a Miracle Court trial, you'll testify against the person who hurt you. But you'll also play the roles of the Defendant arguing their side of the case, the Judge deciding the verdict and sentence, and the Warden administering the punishment. It's similar to other trials you may have seen or experienced except you're at the center of everything. In the last step, the Final Judgment, you'll play the role of the Judge of your own life. This is a powerful step where peace and happiness are restored.
Are witnesses or the defendant necessary in Miracle Court™?
Neither witnesses nor the defendant are permitted or necessary in Miracle Court. Only the victim who submits the case need appear for the case to be fully heard and resolved.
Are Miracle Court™ judgments legally binding?
Miracle Court judgments aren't legally binding; they're emotionally and spiritually liberating. This is a powerful advantage of Miracle Court. Judgments in courts of law bind victims to the past. This is rarely what victims really want or need to heal and move on with their lives.
Traditional courts focus on punishing the perpetrator rather than helping the victim. This makes the victim’s healing dependent upon what happens to the perpetrator--often the person least likely to help. It also minimizes the victim’s own power of self-healing and excludes all other parts of humanity and the world from rendering assistance and resolving the case.
Miracle Court judgments free victims from the past. During Miracle Court trials, victims realize that they have the power to control their own peace and happiness—not a lawyer, judge, or the person who harmed them. Victims can also experiment with different judgments and outcomes to discover what they really need to heal and move on with their lives. In the process, they often find that the justice they craved at the beginning of the case is the opposite of what they really want.
Notice: Submitting a case to Miracle Court does not preserve any legal rights you may have, or initiate proceedings in any legally recognized tribunal or court of law, or toll the running of any statutes of limitation. Consult a licensed attorney about protecting your legal rights.
How can conflicts be resolved if Miracle Court™ decisions are not legally binding?
A conflict arises when one party feels wronged and craves justice in the form of punishment and retaliation against the perpetrator. A conflict is resolved when these internal cravings for justice have been relieved and internal peace and happiness have been restored. Traditional courts stimulate justice cravings rather than releasing them. And binding legal judgments cannot restore peace and happiness for wrongs of the past. Peace and happiness come only from within, not without, by internal decision of the victim.
Are Miracle Court™ trials confidential?
Unlike trials in traditional courts, which are usually open to the public and do not provide confidentiality, the Miracle Court App does not record trial testimony and can be used in private.
When should a case be submitted to Miracle Court™?
A case is ripe for Miracle Court any time somebody feels wronged, mistreated, or victimized. It may be especially helpful to present your case to Miracle Court before proceeding with a traditional lawsuit to explore whether resolution can be achieved without unnecessary delay and expense. However, even cases that have already been filed or heard in a traditional court can be submitted to Miracle Court to facilitate resolution and healing. Submitting a case to Miracle Court can also be helpful in settling cases currently pending in traditional courts.
How long does a Miracle Court™ trial last?
The typical Miracle Court trial lasts less than an hour.
Is any training or preparation necessary to present a case in Miracle Court™?
No training or preparation is necessary to present a case in Miracle Court. You'll be guided through the trial using the Miracle Court App.
Is Miracle Court™ affiliated with any religion?
Miracle Court is a court of conscience and natural law based upon science, jurisprudence, and the enlightened teachings of the world's great wisdom traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. It can be used by people of all faiths or no faith, by spiritualists, agnostics, and atheists. No specific religious belief or affiliation is necessary, assumed, or presented. The Miracle Court App only asks questions. Each user brings to it their own traditions, understandings, and answers.
How do I bring a case before Miracle Court™?
Simply install the free web-based Miracle Court App on your mobile device and begin!
Will I receive legal, medical, or psychological advice?
Miracle Court is not a substitute for legal, medical, psychological, or other professional advice, counseling, or services. We do not provide legal, medical, or psychological services and are not engaged in the practice of law, medicine, psychology, therapy, or any other professional service. If you have questions about your legal rights and responsibilities, please consult a licensed attorney. If you require medical or psychological help, please consult a licensed physician or psychologist.
What are your terms for conducting Miracle Court™ Trials?
Click here for our Terms of Service. Please read them carefully. By using the Miracle Court App or accessing or using any of our services, you are agreeing to be legally bound by our Terms of Service.